Now it is Feb of 2023, time flies.
There are many changes in last year. Some are big, some are small, some are good, some are bad, some are public, some are very private. This post is to share something about me in 2022, and some wish and hope in 2023.
Russia invade Ukraine

It actually influence any individuals in the world, from South Africa to North America, even it does not sound in the beginning.
From NZ what I can tell,
- Food is more expensive
- Petrol is too
These two prices have not been decreases to the time before the war yet. With the impact of inflation, people are harder to live.
Different leaders have very different opinions on this.
- SG strongly denounce what Russia did
- China and India are keeping buying cheap oil from Russia
It even increase the divide of Chinese community, some are supporting Russia, some are denouncing Russia.
I Read Books
This is a Book to talk about Ito Hirobumi, the 1st PM of Japan, what I learn from it is
No matter for an individual, for a nation or a country, if you are “weak” and you want to grow to “strong”,
the first thing is admit you are weak, if not sure which fields you are weak in, copy/learn all fields, all industries from other countries.
This is from Ito Hirobumi from about 100 years ago, sadly, many world leaders do not understand this even now, or they pretend to not know this.
I also read some other books:
- Hacking Growth, use tech to know your users, through knowing users to make a decision for a company, no
personal deciding, and focus on growth.
Otherwise, it will be like this.
Our product roadmap was so long that team members weren’t excited to brainstorm new products because it was unclear if they would ever be built. And most horribly, product decisions were made exclusively by the founders in a non-transparent process. Things were a mess.
Michael Seibel
- The Wings of the Kirin, a story about murder, love, and family
- The Meaning of Marriage, about Marriage and couple relationship, highly recommended for new couples
I Started to Migrate from Joplin to Obsidian
Joplin is an great app, it has a lot of great features
- E2E Encryption
- Rich plugin eco-system
The only one thing for me that Obsidian is winning is
- Obsidian has a relation system to jump from note to note Back Notes
It is super handy to manage knowledge, or notes, since not everything in real life is structured, some times, knowledge notes are more like a mesh network, so Obsidian in this case, it is much easier to use.
My Obsidian Plugin Got First Sponsor

For an Open Source Lover, the biggest bonus is to see people value your contribution. The direct way of this valuing is Spons
or, and I did get one 🙂
Career Change

Yes, there is a career change in 2022 for me. It is not a really new job, since I went back to one of my previous employers. It was not very common in NZ, but it was not very rare as well.
Build a K8s Cluster
Most of audience will know I used to use Caprover to host my own side projects and services, now it was migrate to k8s, so one big thing I did is to have a k8s cluster, it is great tool, not easy to config and set up, but easy to use afterwards.
NFT and Crypto Currency is Popular
So I wrote an article about Nearly Non-Fungible Tokens. Technically Blockchain is just a immutable, distributed ledger, anything building on it will implement this properties. It is a good ledger/DB in some specific use cases, but it does not fit all use cases.
If thinking further, there are some existing technology to make a thing non-fungible as well, don’t have to have it on a Blockchain.
Not That Good

- Not able to do a overseas travel last year
- China closed the border, so not able to be back to visit, not it is partially open for worker and students, but not for visit. And this is the website I found which it has most clear and easy to understand, readable about China border restriction policy update. It is a travel agency.
Others things went good
- Started a garden raising bed, and it went well so far.
Related Articles
Other Things I Built:
- Pambda JS, a multi process handler in typescript to help developers write multi process function easily
- Mac Ads Blocker, Trackers Away – Mac OS Ads Blocker – releasing 1.0.3 and road map,
- Obsidian Plugin, Obsidian Bible Reference, this is a simple plugin to give you an ability to get bible verse easily
Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed reading it, especially because it addressed my problem. It helped me a lot and I hope it will help others too.