

a few git magics

a few git magics git status git log -1 -2 -3 git reset –soft HEAD~1 git stash git checkout -b branch-new git push rest master to prodpush local prod to remote mastermake sure local prod is equal to r


MM Cloud Api Documentation

MM Cloud APIThe API for BFF (Back-end for front-end) and Importer Service (internal API, used by BFF or other internal services only) IntroductionThis is a document for MM Cloud Architecture and API.


Recommendation, a learning app

Solo learn is an app which is quite similar to Duolingo, the difference is that Solo Learn is for learning programming. The course is not that difficult, not time consuming, but it is still good for preparing interview questions.


NZTA Hackathon 2019 - Mode Alt Shift

Basically this is my second Hackathon. I joined Robelt Hackathon during study last year. Hosted by the NZ Transport Agency, hackathons are 48-hour events where people with diverse skills, interests and perspectives come together to solve problems in the transport industry. Participants usually form groups of around six to eight individuals, identify problems and generate solutions to a fleshed out concept, mock-up or prototyping stage. Hackathons are all about creative problem solving with a customer-centric approach, using NZ Transport Agency data. You don’t have to be a ‘hacker’, a programmer or a tech-lover to take part – all skill-sets are valuable!


2.1 Cloud Meta Data

https://gist.github.com/BuffaloWill/fa96693af67e3a3dd3fb AWShttp://


2 Cloud Catastrophes

2 Cloud Catastrophes Resource Hijackingbucket name is unique, if you delete it others can use the name https://github.com/EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz Mitigating keep dns and cloud resources in sync


1 Top 10 Volunerabilities

1 Top 10 Volunerabilities exploit a pentetest framework XSS - Cross Site Scripting put js to form Beef framework CSRF protect endpoints XXE - Xml EXternal EntityMitigations disable DTD File Inject


7 Docker Infrasture

7 Docker Infrasture Kim Carter - BinaryMist Limited [Purple Team], a small company in Christchurch Docker Security Quik References – Kim Carter $9 ebook tooling docker security scanning haskell



Morning Pushpay Insomnia Security Erudite Software Pentester Lab Noon quantum security binary mist aura information security west pac privasec ports of Auckland Provoke solutions Afternoon red shiel


9 Serveless and JWT

9 Serveless and JWT @rowdymehulMehul Patel serverless IBM OpenWhisk https://openwhisk.apache.org/ AWS Google Kuberlesshttps://www.twistlock.com/2018/07/10/serverless-comparison-lambda-vs-azure-vs-gcp-


6 electron Security

6 electron Security disable node.js access permission handlinggeo, camera … browser normally ask the user but electron does not. the webview tag has isw own process and memory allocation alwys valid