Tim Bai’s Zone is a tech and individual blog started from 2011/2015, the flowchart below is about the stacks changes for these years. The current tech stack for the blog is K8S + WordPress + MySQL DB, and surely Apache and Let’s Encrypt are used too.
This work/blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Pexel, UnSplash are used for stock images. The licenses of them are both free to use.
More about Tim
TLDR, if you are more interested in the tech stack changes of the blog, or you want to contact me.
- My 1st Hello World is in primary school in a QBasic emulator, (not on a real computer), that was about 2000.
- Java is 1st OOP programming language I learned, I taught myself in end of high school when I got my first laptop
- Started to use SQL, Python, Javascript/HTML/CSS and a bit C# in uni, at the same time, I registered my Github account and started to make contribution to some projects, and started my first blog
- After uni, I started to work in different industry, and had more experience and knowledge in cloud and architect, because with work experience growing, I found many engineering problems could be solved in a different architecture solution much more easily.
- Now I worked as a dev guy in a Pacific-Asia based company, besides that, I wrote articles and built side projects.
- Sanic Currency Exchange Rates Api (Eu Central Bank)
- Stack update, Moving AceIelts.Pro to AWS
- Trackers Away – Mac OS Ads Blocker – releasing 1.0.3 and road map
- Fork MMEX Android
- And more on my Github/Gitlab page
- I wrote some real life based discussion regarding work culture, how to be a manager in a tech team, and work life balancing (these discussion might not be very objective)
- I am not keen on using certificate to prove my professionalism but I did get some certificates 😅 in my different career stages

More about the Zone/Blog and How to Contact
- I have a static wiki site too, go to wiki.tim.bai.uno as non-relations extension to my WordPress blog.
- How to contact me?
- Feel free to leave comments at this page, it will be the simplest way to contact me.
- Otherwise go to How to contact me?
- My old blog Tim’s Zone archive (before 2020)
- My 2021 in sum
Stack Changes of My Blog

- In end of 2021, the infrastructure was changed from Docker/CapRover/Docker Swarm to K8s, the cloud service provider was changed from AWS to Oracle Cloud.
- In beginning of 2022, the monitoring service, New Relic was added.
Why to make these tech stack changes
- WP is not flexible like using React Strapi, but it it get enough templates and themes can save you tens of times on styling
- WP is heavier than Hexo, but with optimisation and for personal blog/CMS purpose, it is way more than enough.
FAQ for Stack Changes
- Why do the stacks become more and more complicated? Are you just high key, doing this for showing your skills?
- Not really, it is not like I built a k8s cluster for hosting my personal low traffic WordPress blog, it is more like I built a k8s cluster to make my projects easy to deploy/development, and I used the remaining computing resources for this blog.
Contact me
You can just leave your comments here, or the old contact page is https://tim.bai.uno/contact