Lineage OS 19 releasing plan and Andriod 12 new features
Lineage OS 19 (Android 12) was release on 26th April 2022. What is new in Android 12 (Android 12 is the Lineage OS 19 will… Read More »Lineage OS 19 releasing plan and Andriod 12 new features
Android, iOS, Titan, Meego, FirefoxOS, Ubuntu Touch, mobile phones’ OS options were more than desktop, iPhone, Lenovo, Smasung, LG, Sony the hardware options are more too
Lineage OS 19 (Android 12) was release on 26th April 2022. What is new in Android 12 (Android 12 is the Lineage OS 19 will… Read More »Lineage OS 19 releasing plan and Andriod 12 new features
Your Data Should be Your Own Wealth, not tech Giants’. 1. I Lost Some Personal Activity data after switch to New Phone Is it important?… Read More »Why you should use Open Source software as possible as you can?