
This is a personal coding challenge collection, the source is from LeetCode. To practice how to solve algorithm problems.
Feel free to contact me if you have any problems related.
# | Problem | LeetCode Difficulty | Structure / Algorithm | Solving Ideas / Hints |
1041 | Robot Bounded in Circle | Medium | String, Simulate | – From LeetCode Tips, the robot stays in the circle if and only if (looking at the final vector) it changes direction (ie. doesn’t stay pointing north), or it moves 0. |
7 | Reverse integer | Medium | Math | – JS Max Integer is larger than 2**31; |
13 | Roman to Integer | Easy | Hash Map | – Roman numbers has a nature of sum calculation, so the tip is to have a hashmap/dict/opject to map Roman number to integer |
14 | Longest Common Prefix | Easy | String | – Read Requirement Carefully, prefix is the starting letters only, (I understands it wrongly in the beginning) – Brute Force, O(n*m), m is the longest string length |
67 | Add Binary | Easy | String, Calculation, Binary | – No different to add integers or binary, because the result are the same, the only difference is the format – Most of languages, there is a limit for integer, here the tricky part is that the binary number is above the maximum integer, so when transfer from the binary to integer, it lost some value, use `BigInt` in JS could solve the problem, but in Python 3, there would not be a problem, because there is no int and long in Python3 |
20 | Valid Parenthesis | Easy | String, Stack | – Use Stack – If an input start with ] } ), it will never close – in JS Set is supported |
21 | Merge Two Sorted LinkList | Easy | LinkList | – The definition of the ListNode is a bit confused, it is ES5 style of class, so for using it, use new ListNode(0, null) |
27 | Remove Elements | Easy | Array, Two Pointers | – Two Pointers can be used here – JS Splice Function could be used too |
26 | Remove Duplication from a Sorted Array | Easy | Array, Two Pointers | |
28 | strStr | Easy | String | – This basically required to write a `indexOf` function – Consider not using high level function, like indexOf |
35 | Search Insert Position | Easy | Binary Search | – Loop, use low and high and while loop – Recursion, try pass start and end index |
49 | Group Anagrams | Medium | String, Sort, Hash Map | – This one is not very hard, it is a combination of usages of different algorithm and data structure – Object.values(), Object.keys(), Obejct.entries() |
53 | Maximum Sub Array | Easy | Dynamic Programming, Divide and Conquer | |
58 | Length of the Last Word | Easy | – Split String to Words (do not forget trim the end of the string) – Find last word and get the length | |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | Medium | Path Find, Matrix | – This looks like to the 53, maximum sub array, but actually, put it in 2d matrix, make it different – This is a classical path finding problem – To avoid, time out, use dict/hashmap as a caching layer, caching will solve the problem, but it costs more storage, more about dynamic programming solution |
66 | Plus One | Easy | Array | – Unshift can be used to append 1 into the beginning of array – Shift is used to remove the 1st element, different with pop(). – i++/i– return the value before calculation, comparing to ++i/–i |
67 | Add Binary | Easy | – BigInt can be used here | |
69 | Sqrtx | Easy | Math | – Use Binary Search here |
70 | Climbing Stairs | Easy | Dynamic Programming | – Find the pattern of the result, which it is Fibonacci |
605 | Can Place Flowers | Easy | – Read requirements carefully | |
83 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Easy | Linked List, Two Pointer | – I wrote a simple JS solution for this, in page 2, faster than 93% js solution |
88 | Merge Sorted Arrays | Easy | – Todo, I did not figure out a proper way to cover all cases in the beginning in time O(m+n) – There is a O(m+n) solution in page 3, try think reversely – But merge arrays and resort is the easiest solution, will be nLogN | |
94 | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | Easy | Tree, Binary Tree, Stack, Recursion, Depth First | – Recursion is easier for solving this – pop, push, shift unshift |
100 | Same Tree | Easy | Tree | |
101 | Symmetric Tree | Easy | Tree, BFS, DFS | – DFS Recursion solution is easy to get – For interaction, this is a good discussion on LeetCode as a queue base BFS solution |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | Tree, BFS, DFS, | – Good Stack Based DFS/ Queue Based BFS iteration examples on LeetCode, actually the DFS iteration solution is a bit hard to understand – DFS Recursion is easier to understand |
108 | Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree | Easy | DFS | |
520 | Detect Capital | Easy | String | |
110 | Balanced Binary Tree | Easy | Balanced Tree | – Balanced Binary Tree, left height and right height differs in 1 – Both left, right and all sub trees are balanced |
111 | Minimum Depth of Binary Tree | Easy | BFS, DFS | |
112 | Path Sum | Easy | DFS | |
113 | Path Sum 2 | Medium | DFS, Binary Tree | |
125 | Valid Palindrome | Easy | String | |
136 | Single Number | Easy | List, Bit Manipulation | – 5^5 = 0, XOR, Any same two elements XOR operation, it will be 0, this is why Bit Manipulation works in reduce |
941 | Valid Mountain Array | Easy | List | |
141 | Linked List Cycle | Easy | Linked List, Slow And Fast, Two Pointers | – there are 3 ideas for this, – 1 use Set/Map, time O(n), Space O(n) – 2 use Slow Fast Pointers, time O(n), Space O(1) – 3 modify the nodes in the interaction, time O(n), space O(1) |
144 | Binary Tree PreOrder Traversal | Easy | DFS, Stack | |
145 | Binary Tree PostOrder Traversal | Easy | DFS, Stack | |
118 | Pascal’s Triangle | Easy | Dynamic Programming | |
160 | Two Linked List Intersection | Easy | Linked List, | – O(1) Space Solution, – O(n) Space Solution, using Hash Map |
167 | Two Sum 2 | Easy | Binary, Two Pointers, Hash Map | There are 3 ideas for this, 1 is brute force, O(n^2), 2 is through using Hash Map, like normal Two Sum, 3 is using 2 pointers, one start one end, because the array is sorted |
168 | Excel Sheet Column | Easy | String, Math | |
169 | Majority Element | Easy | Hash Map, Divide and Conquer | The optional requirement here is to make it in O(1) space. – There is one amazing two line approach for this. nums.sort((a,b) => a - b); return nums[Math.floor(nums.length/2)]; O(nlog(n)) + O(1)– Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm – leetcode submission O(n) + O(1) – For divide and conquer, it will be a bit more complicated, O(n) + O(1) |
171 | Excel Sheet Column Number | Easy | String, Math | |
1672 | Richest Customer Wealth | Easy | Array, Matrix | |
190 | Reverse Bits | Easy | Bit Manipulation, Divide and Conquer | |
121 | Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock | Easy | Array, Dynamic Programming | Without dynamic programming, it will exceed time limit. |
191 | Number of 1 Bits | Easy | Bit Manipulation | 0b111 & 1 => 1 0b110 & 1 => 0 0b111 >> 1 => 0b011 |
257 | Binary Tree Paths | Easy | DFS, Backtracking, Binary Tree | |
202 | Happy Number | Easy | Hash Set, Two Pointers | Coding Tips, reduce((a,b)=>a*a+b*b) is not the proper way to get sum of square Besides using Set, another idea is to use fast/slow two pointer |
203 | Remove Linked List Elements | Easy | Linked List | |
205 | Isomorphic Strings | Easy | Hash Map | The key for this question is to check mapper value either unique or not. If not false, otherwise true. |
206 | Reversed Linked List | Easy | Linked List, Recursion | |
217 | Contains Duplicate | Easy | Hash Set | |
219 | Contains Duplicate 2 | Easy | Hash Map | – Store higher index in Hash Map |
225 | Implement Stack using Queues | Easy | Queue, Stack | 1 idea is using a nested queue Another idea is to use two queue |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | Easy | Tree, DFS, BFS | |
228 | Summary Ranges | Easy | Array | |
231 | Power of Two | Easy | Bit Manipulation | My own 1 line solutionreturn 2**(n.toString(2).length-1) === n Better one from discussion n > 0 ? !(n & n-1) : false; |
232 | Implement Queue using Stacks | Easy | Queue, Stack | |
234 | Palindrome Linked List | Easy | Linked List | One easy solution is to convert to array and check it. O(n), O(n) The other solution is to 1. detect middle of array 2. reverse the second part of array 3. check the first part and second part of array |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | Easy | BST | My own solution is through Recursion There is a simple iteration solution. (In Python) while (root.val - p.val) * (root.val - q.val) > 0: root = (root.left, root.right) [p.val > root.val] return root |
389 | Find Difference | Easy | String, Hash Map | Solution 1, using a Hash Map to store character frequency, O(n) O(n) Solution 2, using string replace O(n) O(n) for (let letter of s) t = t.replace(letter, ''); return t; Solution 3, using char operation, O(n) O(1) for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { if(s[i]) charCode -= s[i].charCodeAt(); charCode += t[i].charCodeAt() }; return String.fromCharCode(charCode); |
237 | Delete Node In A Linked List | Easy | Linked List | |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | Medium | Array | – for no divide, use left and right two multiplier , this solution is quite tricky, the actual space complexity is O(n) |
242 | Valid Anagram | Easy | String, Hash Map | |
# | Problem | Difficulty | Tags | Note |