Input in VR

VR Input

VR Gaze Input

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Peter Koch give a simple input module to archieve the gaze input for vr.

Interaction in the objects in environment

VR Eye Raycaster

  • VREyeRaycaster
  • VRInput
  • VRInteractiveItem

These 3 are from unity vr sample, put the VREyeRaycaster on the camera, and the VRInput in game, at the same time, put the VRInteractiveItem to the object you want to interact with.

public event Action OnOver;             // Called when the gaze moves over this object
public event Action OnOut;              // Called when the gaze leaves this object
public event Action OnClick;            // Called when click input is detected whilst the gaze is over this object.
public event Action OnDoubleClick;      // Called when double click input is detected whilst the gaze is over this object.
public event Action OnUp;               // Called when Fire1 is released whilst the gaze is over this object.
public event Action OnDown;             // Called when Fire1 is pressed whilst the gaze is over this object.

And remember these 6 actions, you will use them in the control script in the object you want to interact with. Like the below,

using UnityEngine;
using VRStandardAssets.Utils;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Examples
    // This script is a simple example of how an interactive item can
    // be used to change things on gameobjects by handling events.
    public class ExampleInteractiveItem : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private Material m_NormalMaterial;                
        [SerializeField] private Material m_OverMaterial;                  
        [SerializeField] private Material m_ClickedMaterial;               
        [SerializeField] private Material m_DoubleClickedMaterial;         
        [SerializeField] private VRInteractiveItem m_InteractiveItem;
        [SerializeField] private Renderer m_Renderer;

        private void Awake ()
            m_Renderer.material = m_NormalMaterial;

        private void OnEnable()
            m_InteractiveItem.OnOver += HandleOver;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnOut += HandleOut;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnClick += HandleClick;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnDoubleClick += HandleDoubleClick;

        private void OnDisable()
            m_InteractiveItem.OnOver -= HandleOver;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnOut -= HandleOut;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnClick -= HandleClick;
            m_InteractiveItem.OnDoubleClick -= HandleDoubleClick;

        //Handle the Over event
        private void HandleOver()
            Debug.Log("Show over state");
            m_Renderer.material = m_OverMaterial;

        // and other event handles, more on http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/topics/virtual-reality/interaction-vr?playlist=22946

These are 2 different ways to achieve the interaction with the objects in vr.

  • One is better for ugui object in world
  • The other is simple to use on the mesh object with collider
